Home for Anderson

Home for Anderson is puzzle game made in unity. Control gems with unique powers to get solve puzzles and find a home for Anderson! Home for Anderson is still in development and does not have a public release

Pipe Game

Pipe Game is a small game made in unity for a one week game jam. Try to pipe the steam to the houses that need it before they blow up!


CS184 Final: Jello

Jello is a program made for CS184 that simulates jellow physics with crosshatching shading. Runs on the GPU using Vulkan for increased performance.


Deblurred Diffusion

Deblurring Diffision is a technique I invented to improve current diffusion networks while working in the Gordon Lab at Stanford. It works by applying a filter to the noise in latent space to create a less blurry image

Shape-Guided Diffusion with Inside-Outside Attention

Shape-Guided Diffusion is a paper I co-published as third author under Seth Park in Professor Trevor Darrell's lab. The paper proposes a new method for object replacement that considers the shape of the original object.


Surface Analysis

Surface Analysis is a program I made in C++ that interfaces with PyMol's python apt to analyse patchs of hydrophobicity and charge of the surface proteins. Created for Ting Xu Lab.


Mole Game

Mole Game is a small game I made using SDL to celebrate Mole day. Dig down to collect proton and protons and neutrols to build heavier isotopes while avoiding darkmatter.
